
We (that is, GNU Hurd) have a Google Summer of Code project application
by Vladimir Gorelov who wants to work on getting GNAT into a functional
state on GNU/Hurd, as per

Vladimir says to have several years of Ada experience, and has already
been in contact (regarding another project) with Sergey Rybin some months
ago, for example.

Are there any GCC Ada / GNAT / AdaCore folks interested in helping to
mentor this project?  We may not strictly require you for this task, but
it certainly won't hurt to have people around who know the GCC Ada

By the way, is <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> the correct list for such questions, or
should they rather be sent to the GNAT chat list, as per

In case this task should turn out to be ``too easy'' for a GSoC project
(which is difficult to judge for me at the moment), he's also interested
in any further Ada on Hurd projects, like implementing natively in Ada
the ability to do Remote Procedure Calls, used to implement Hurd servers
(translators), for example.


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