2011/4/1 Andrew Haley <a...@redhat.com>:
> On 04/01/2011 10:05 AM, Kai Tietz wrote:
>> I would like to update boehm-gc in gcc's tree to more recent version
>> (7.2 - alpha 5).  It has shown now that we wait for x64 windows
>> support of boehm-gc more then one year. This blocks the waiting
>> patches for libjava support for this target and some other features
>> depending on boehm-gc. Additional I saw that recently more and more
>> not upstream pushed patches getting applied to boehm-gc, which of
>> course makes an update even more worse.  So, I would like to know how
>> boehm-gc shall be handled on gcc's tree. Is the gcc tree version a
>> fork for itself and shall be maintained seperately? Or, shall the
>> patches of boehm-gc done locally to gcc's tree sent upstream?
> Please send everything upstream.  Once that's done we can copy
> the upstream branch directly into gcc.
> There may be problems with the testsuite, but we can deal with
> them as they arise.
> Andrew.

Ok, I've posted the diffs to Ivan. I separated them into two pieces.
One all before testsuite patch (was last recent one) and the other
changes. Due the fact that a lot of files in boehm-gc have changed
places, I think it is better that Ivan does the diff here manually, as
it is sometime hard to find where file has gone, or if it is still


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