On 26 March 2011 14:08, Jonathan Adamczewski wrote:
> As I read through http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.6/changes.html, it seems to me
> that would be quite useful (and interesting) to be able to see more
> information for each of the changes. Links to relevant discussion, bugs,
> papers or patches/commits would make it far easier to understand the
> substance of a change beyond the one-line summary. The links on that page
> are very useful - it would be great to see more.
> http://kernelnewbies.org/LinuxChanges is a good example of the kind of thing
> I'm talking about.

I doubt many people would disagree, but someone needs to do the work
(in other words "patches welcome"!)

The GCC wiki could be a good place for people to add such information
without needing write access to the wwwdocs repository.

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