On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 18:53, Levon Haykazyan <le...@rock.com> wrote:
> Dear gcc contributors,
> My name is Levon Haykazyan, I am a PhD student at Yerevan
> State University (Armenia) studying theoretical computer
> science. I am considering applying to Summer of Code for
> adding some C++0x support in gcc. I would like to ask
> potential mentors
> 1. which of C++0x language features are relevant as a soc
> project?

Jason (CC'd) is probably the best person to ask.  I thought there was
a wiki page describing the status of C++0x, but I can't seem to find
it (see http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki).

> 2. some guidance for a simple project to familiarize myself
> with internals of gcc and demonstrate my coding skills.

Your best bet is to start with http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GettingStarted

Some suggestions are listed on
http://gcc.gnu.org/projects/beginner.html as well.


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