
Trunk is in Stage 4, for regression fixes and documentation fixes.

The numbers of regressions have continued to go down since the
previous report, but more work is still needed especially on the P1
regressions.  User-visible improvements relative to 4.5 should also be
documented in gcc-4.6/changes.html if not already mentioned there.
Once the P1 regressions have been resolved and no P3 regression
appears to merit classifying as P1, the 4.6 branch and a first release
candidate can be created.  Maintainers are reminded of the importance
of being conservative in what patches go in until then.

Quality Data

Priority          #     Change from Last Report
--------        ---     -----------------------
P1                9     -  1
P2               93     -  8
P3               10     - 11
--------        ---     -----------------------
Total           112     - 20

Previous Report

The next report for 4.6.0 will be sent by Richard.

Joseph S. Myers

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