
On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Jonathan Wakely <jwakely....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah, I did look in the NetBSD cvs repository and the other arches I
> looked at just used _ANSI_H_, I obviously didn't check the ones you
> identified.
>From a quick look, dreamcast, landisk, hpcsh, usermode and evbsh3 use
fancy header protection guard for <machine/ansi.h>. Should the bug
report be re-opened agaist those arch, or can it be expected that
nobody will ever use a recent gcc on those arch ?

 - Arnaud

> We only have a bug report concerning x86, and I didn't want to make
> such a large change. Presumably GCC's stddef.h is/was needed for some
> older NetBSD versions, and I don't have resources or time to find that
> out or test a patch.
> I've committed my patch (approved by Ian) so maybe someone else will
> do a more complete fix later.
> Jonathan

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