--- On Wed, 12/1/11, Joel Sherrill <joel.sherr...@oarcorp.com> wrote:

> From: Joel Sherrill <joel.sherr...@oarcorp.com>
> Subject: Re: Adding Leon processor to the SPARC list of processors
> To: "David Paterson" <david.pater...@btinternet.com>
> Cc: "gcc@gcc.gnu.org" <gcc@gcc.gnu.org>
> Date: Wednesday, 12 January, 2011, 16:31
> On 01/12/2011 09:17 AM, David
> Paterson wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm in the early stages of a Leon-based project, and
> have been trying to put together a cross toolchain for
> it.  I'm having some problems getting it configured and
> working correctly, and this proposed option would very
> likely help me a lot.
> >
> > Is there any time scale for implementation, or any
> plan for which release it'll make it into?
> >
> The leon specific bare metal targets are in the SVN head.

Thanks Joel, that's useful info.  I'll update and give them a try.

> If you are using RTEMS, then you can use the RPMs we
> provide.

At the moment however I'm trying to get a basic minimal system up and running, 
with no OS on the board.  We might look at RTEMS (or other systems) later.  
Thanks for the link though - good to know about it.



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