2010/10/3 FX <fxcoud...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to bootstrap trunk on i686-pc-mingw32. I configure with 
> --disable-werror --enable-threads --disable-nls --build=i686-pc-mingw32 
> --enable-libgomp --with-dwarf2 --disable-sjlj-exceptions
> During stage 1, bootstrap fails when comparing trunk tm.texi and the version 
> regenerated from tm.texi.in. The comparison fails because of newlines (the 
> generated ones are Windows-style, and the trunk ones are Unix-style). I can't 
> find a bugzilla PR for that, so I believe this may be something local to me, 
> although the description of the problem seems generic. Has this happened to 
> someone already? How do you fix it?
> Thanks,
> FX

This is a known issue and related to timestamps of those generated
.texi files. By touching generated .texi it can be solved. This test
in make is here a bit broken IMHO, as a content check would satisfy
needs for validity-check alone.


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