On 27/09/2010 12:39, Jay K wrote:

> gmp
> time sh -c "CC=gcc-4.2 ./configure none-none-none -disable-shared 
> -enable-static && make && ssh r...@localhost \"cd `pwd` && make install\""
> real    2m2.594s
> mpfr
> time sh -c "./configure -disable-shared -enable-static && make && ssh 
> r...@localhost \"cd `pwd` && make install\""
> real    0m43.756s
> mpc
> time sh -c "./configure -disable-shared -enable-static && make && ssh 
> r...@localhost \"cd `pwd` && make install\""
> real    0m15.495s

> which is still a significant fraction of building cc1 (I don't have that
> time sorry)

  Huh, am I doing something seriously wrong?  It takes me four hours to
boostrap GCC at with all languages enabled at -j8 on an AMD2x64; I'm not too
concerned about 3 minutes per pass!


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