* koala:

> When trying to build gnat from this snapshot, i had an issue at line
> 280 from gcc/ada/g-socthi-mingw.adb due to:
> g-socthi.adb:280:45 value not in range of type "Interfaces.C.unsigned"
> g-socthi.adb:280:45 static expression fails Constraint-check
> Is it all an known issue ?
> This line is an declaration for Fill as boolean like this
> Fill  : constant Boolean :=
>      (C.unsigned (Flags) and SOSC.MSG_WAITALL) /= 0;
>      --  Is the MSG_WAITALL flag set? If so we need to fully fill all
> vectors

Can you look at the generated s-soscons.ads file?  I suspect that the

# define MSG_WAITALL -1
CND(MSG_WAITALL, "Wait for full reception")

kicks in and sets MSG_WAITALL to -1.

Debian's mingw hasn't got the MSG_WAITALL #define, either.  It seems
that "8" would be the correct value.

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