On 8/10/2010 9:21 PM, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
Most of the time is spent in this function...
str_cref side,
str_cref pivot,
str_cref direct,
int const& m,
int const& n,
arr_cref<double> c,
arr_cref<double> s,
arr_ref<double, 2> a,
int const& lda)
in this loop:
FEM_DOSTEP(j, n - 1, 1, -1) {
ctemp = c(j);
stemp = s(j);
if ((ctemp != one) || (stemp != zero)) {
FEM_DO(i, 1, m) {
temp = a(i, j + 1);
a(i, j + 1) = ctemp * temp - stemp * a(i, j);
a(i, j) = stemp * temp + ctemp * a(i, j);
a(i, j) is implemented as
T* elems_; // member
T const&
ssize_t i1,
ssize_t i2) const
return elems_[dims_.index_1d(i1, i2)];
ssize_t all[Ndims]; // member
ssize_t origin[Ndims]; // member
ssize_t i1,
ssize_t i2) const
(i2 - origin[1]) * all[0]
+ (i1 - origin[0]);
The array pointer is buried as elems_ member in the arr_ref<> class template.
How can I apply __restrict in this case?
Do you mean you are adding an additional level of functions and hoping
for efficient in-lining? Your programming style is elusive, and your
insistence on top posting will make this thread difficult to deal with.
The conditional inside the loop likely is even more difficult for C++ to
optimize than Fortran. As already discussed, if you don't optimize
otherwise, you will need __restrict to overcome aliasing concerns among
a,c, and s. If you want efficient C++, you will need a lot of hand
optimization, and verification of the effect of each level of obscurity
which you add. How is this topic appropriate to gcc mail list?
Tim Prince