On 08/04/2010 08:43 AM, Roberto Bagnara wrote:
The core development team is very pleased to announce the availability
of PPL 0.11, a new release of the Parma Polyhedra Library.

This release has many new features, some of which developed in strict
coordination with the people behind GCC/Graphite. The main novelties

- a class PIP_Problem that provides a Parametric Integer Programming
problem solver;

- "deterministic" timeout computation facilities;

- support for termination analysis via the automatic synthesis of
linear ranking functions;

- support for approximating computations involving (bounded)
machine integers.

This release includes several other enhancements, speed improvements
and some bug fixes. The precise list of user-visible changes is
available at
http://www.cs.unipr.it/ppl/Download/ftp/releases/0.11/NEWS .
For more information, please come and visit the PPL web site at


On behalf of all the past and present developers listed at
http://www.cs.unipr.it/ppl/Credits/ and in the file CREDITS,

Roberto Bagnara Patricia M. Hill Enea Zaffanella

Applied Formal Methods Laboratory
Department of Mathematics
University of Parma, Italy

cool.. just downloaded it.. just curious if I need to install ppl and cloog on the system then build gcc? right now with the latest snapshot of gcc, mpfr gmp are in the source tree and build fine but as soon as I add cloog ppl and mpc I crapp out at ppl telling me it cant find gmp

keep in mind this is my first attempt to build gcc with all these packages in the source tree of gcc rather than building them separately.

Justin P. Mattock

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