[I proposed removing RIOS support, since it heavily gets in the way
for my project exposing the XER[CA] flag].

My argument is simply this, sorry if it wasn't clear in the last
email, bottom line up front:
- It can just as easily be removed in the future if it is broken for
more than one release rather than evicting support.

I can guarantee you that the changes I am trying to make _will_ break
RIOS support.  RIOS handles the carry flag quite differently from
PowerPC and Power Architecture, and I have no way to test RIOS either.
Since there is no significant community using these chips anymore,
removing RIOS support seemed like the best course of action.

- It shouldn't add unwieldy maintenance overhead.

It already HAS been unwieldy maintenance overhead for years.

  The old stuff can
be walled off, conditionally built, and otherwise removed from the
main focus.

You obviously haven't looked at the code in detail, if you think this.

- The code is already written and just needs a maintainer.
- I have the hardware and desire to maintain it.

Feel free to split off a new backend then.  The current intertwined
mess cannot be maintained properly.


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