
> I heard of GCC complier and that its a major complier for Playstation
> systems.
> As Nintendo has Wii, and Xbox 360 is coming out with Kinect, Playstation
> is coming up with Playstation Move. My question is, can I comply a game
> with GCC to be compatible with Playstation Move, or is it that writting a
> Move compatible game is based strictly on how I program the game?

The question is not appropriate for the mailing list
It would be appropriate for the mailing list
Please take any followups to gcc-help.  Thanks.

As far as I know the Playstation Move will be able to run games written
for the PlayStation 3, so it's going to depend entirely on how you
program the game.  But I could be wrong.  And really this is not a
question about the compiler at all, it has much more to do with the
libraries.  You need to ask Playstation developers.


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