On Mon, 14 Jun 2010, Paulo J. Matos wrote:

> Hello,
> In gcc4.3.4, for my architecture: 16 BITS_PER_UNIT, 1 UNIT_PER_WORD,
> with INT_TYPE_SIZE = 16 and FLOAT_TYPE_SIZE = 32, then an unsigned int
> is QImode and a float is HFmode.
To attempt such a port, being an expert in GCC internals is a good idea as 
there will be many such issues you need to debug yourself, and you will 
then need to assess what the right general solutions are that do not 
adversely affect other targets but make GCC more general in terms of what 
targets it supports.

Every hardcoded reference to a mode other than QImode in the 
target-independent compiler is suspicious and needs investigating if you 
are doing such a port.  In this case, the SImode references in 
expand_float are likely the problem.

Joseph S. Myers

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