>> It is feeding from gcc-patches; the plan is to make it
>> automatically recognise what patches went into the tree,
>> probably by snooping the gcc-cvs list.

> This is quite interesting, thanks for setting it up.

All kudos go to Jeremy, I merely try to push people :-)

> I can see already that to be useful for gcc today it will need some
> curating.  E.g., http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/54974/ is both 1)
> committed; 2) on a branch.  This one
> http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/54958/ is committed to trunk.  Are
> there ways that we can adjust our e-mail messages to make this work
> better?

[I changed those patches to "accepted" state].

The plan is to make it recognise the patches that went in (by taking
a hash over the whole patch).  This will probably catch most.  Maybe
it'll work better to take the ChangeLog instead, we'll see.

Some manual work will always be needed; I think this is better than
annoying everyone all the time with extra procedural stuff.

When (if) it automatically recognises patches that went in, we can
start experimenting with automatically pinging old patches.

The goal is to be useful while not being annoying, being bureaucratic,
taking up much valuable time from anyone.


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