On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 2:18 PM, Basile Starynkevitch
<bas...@starynkevitch.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-05-29 at 12:45 -0400, Robert Dewar wrote:
>> Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
>> > Does any one know any name of a person from FSF who could give a
>> > practical advice? I know nobody in person from FSF - unless there have
>> > been some FSF people at some GCC summit I did attend.
>> You really can't expect to get free legal advice from the FSF.
> I don't seek legal advice. I am only seeking *practical* advice.

yet, you are largely talking about legal issues in substance.


> What I am very scared of, is to make someone at FSF unhappy or angry
> against me.

sorry to be this blunt but if you are not engaging in questionable activity with
GCC, you are not"important" enough to get people at FSF mad at you :-)  You
may get people on this list annoyed, by insisting on issues largely peripheral
to GCC development proper.  Although FSF holds copyrights on GCC, it is
largely an entity distinct from the GCC community -- who is the primary reader
of this mailing list.

-- Gaby

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