On 05/06/2010 04:24 PM, Richard Guenther wrote:
> I would initially propose to make -Ofast be -O3 -ffast-math
> and would strongly encourage target maintainers that consider
> adding to -Ofast make sure that popular benchmarks for
> their target still behave correctly when using -Ofast.

I am in favour of the suggestion.

How about also adding "-march=native" (for targets where it is
available)? Otherwise, one may end up, e.g. on x86, to compile for i386
- and then -O3 -ffast-math won't help. But also on other systems
configuring for the compile system is useful - but it should be
overridable. Another option one could consider is -funroll-loops.

(Intel's "-fast" also implies "-xHost". Pathscale (always) defaults to
"-march=auto", Portland also [unless "-tp..." is used].)


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