Hi everybody!
I am working on a gcc-pass which processes every statement using this code:

  for (node = cgraph_nodes; node; node = node->next)
      if (node->analyzed && cgraph_is_master_clone (node))
          push_cfun (DECL_STRUCT_FUNCTION (node->decl));
          FOR_EACH_BB (bb)
            // Here I would like to use SSA_NAME_DEF_STMT (gimple_assign_rhs1 

With the code above I can't use SSA_NAME_DEF_STMT (gimple_assign_rhs1 (stmt)) 
(I get 'segmentation fault'). I think the reason is that the statements are not 
in SSA-form.

Insead, if I use

  FOR_EACH_BB (bb) { ... }

without using "for (node = graph_nodes; ...", I have the statements in SSA-form 

Unfortunately, with this solution, I can not process every function at once...

How can I do to use SSA_NAME_DEF_STMT while processing every function?

Thank you!


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