On Sat, 2010-04-24 at 19:00 +0400, Дмитрий Дьяченко wrote:
> Thank You, Manual and Joel
> I'll try to choose smth appropriate to start.
> I am a little confused by the term:
> http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/CompileFarm#How_to_Get_Involved.3F
> "3. AND at least one free software project you are a contributor of. "
> I have accepted patches (well, very small and very obvious) into
> llvm/clang, pcsclite. And how this may be applied to gcc-devel? I.e.,
> how i may answer to Q.3? I have no patches to gcc yet.
> Looks as "egg -- chicken" problem?

The "GCC Compile Farm" project is open to all free software (1)
contributors and is not limited to GCC contributors.

As part of the application process just mention URLs of
patches, bug reports, etc... you have already contributed to
one or more free software project and what project(s)
you intend to use the compile farm for. If you don't have done any
contribution yet, we also have accepted applications in the past when
sponsored by a developper who qualifies (for example internships).

> Sorry for waste Your time with trivial questions.

Questions are always welcomed :).



(1) http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html

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