On 24 April 2010 12:39, Paweł Sikora <pl...@agmk.net> wrote:
> On Friday 23 April 2010 22:36:21 Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:
>> (...). In the free-software world, you can actually help to fix it.
>> (...) we need more contributors. Wanna help?
> i haven't so much free time (c++work/family/studies) for learn internal

And who has free time? I am not your boss or your customer, and you
are not mine. Raising awareness about existing bugs is one thing.
Demanding (some people angrily) that they get fixed is another. This
is something that I didn't understand completely until I started
contributing to gcc. And it caused me a lot of frustration.

If you can only contribute bug reports, ok, that is fine, but we also
need people that contribute to fix those bugs. Otherwise there will be
more open bug reports than people fixing them.

> btw. i have another PR in this area. wanna help? :-)

I am specially busy nowadays and a long queue of patches that I would
like to finish, test and submit. But you can always add
m...@gcc.gnu.org to the CC and then it will be in my (long) list of
things to look at.



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