On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Samuel Tardieu <s...@rfc1149.net> wrote:
> Hi.
> GCC 4.5.0 will ship with support for lm32. This is an IP which can be
> configured in several ways (with or without barrel shifter, and with or
> without a hardware multiplier).
> To be usable in all cases, it has to support multilib. The support is
> present but broken: the "MULTILIB_OPTIONS" variable is located in the
> wrong file!
> I submitted a small patch from a colleague of mine
> (http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2010-03/msg00307.html) and sent three
> PING already. But since there is no listed maintainer for lm32, it seems
> that it doesn't draw any attention from anyone who can approve it, so I
> cannot check it in.
> If we do not apply it, the multilib option for this new target will be
> broken in 4.5.0. I know we are late in the development stage, but lm32
> is a new target and reading the patch makes it clear that it cannot
> break any other platform.
> I know you guys are all very busy but I am not able to reach anyone
> interested in lm32 on gcc-patches. Could someone with global commit
> rights have a look at this patch and approve/reject/delay it?
>  http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2010-03/msg00307.html

The patch is ok.

I wonder why we even accepted a new port without a maintainer though.


>  Sam
> PS/ Note that I don't use this architecture myself and I am not
>    interested in becoming its maintainer -- I just happen to know
>    someone who uses it and noticed that GCC was broken.
> --
> Samuel Tardieu -- s...@rfc1149.net -- http://www.rfc1149.net/

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