Jae Hyuk Kwak <wrice...@gmail.com> writes:

> [...]
> Is that true that current implementation of gcc on i386 optimizes
> switch statement with decision tree?
> I was expecting somebody who can confirm this.

You can see for yourself by writing a variety of switch{} statements
and observing the assembly code (-fverbose-asm) and/or dump
intermediate output (-d).  To see more of the spectrum of
possibilities, make tables large/small, sparse/clustered/dense, case
blocks small/large/fallthrough,

> I tried to find the specific implementation on the file, i386.c.
> But it is very big file and I have only limited knowledge of gcc yet.
> If you can point more specific implementation part, I may be able to
> catch up what you meant.

See gcc/stmt.c for starters.

- FChE

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