Hello Andrew,

Who would maintain this EFI back-end?

The EFI specification was originally developed by Intel, and is now
managed by the Unified EFI Forum[http://www.uefi.org/home/].

So, you don't know who would maintain the EFI back-end that you're
proposing for gcc?

I feel sorry that I misunderstand your question. After finishing
this project,I will like to maintain it.

As others have suggested, there may be severe technical problems
implementing gcc->efi.  There seem to be changes needed to the
front end.  This might work if you could get a group to support
the work, but it may be too much for one person in a summer.

I don't want to dissuade you, but it's important to be realistic.

I am a follower of open source.Even I can't finish the project in this
summer,I still want to contribute .



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