On 03/04/2010 07:27 PM, b95705...@ntu.edu.tw wrote:
> 引述 Andrew Haley <a...@redhat.com>:
>> There is no reason in principle this shouldn't be part of gcc.
>> I think no-one has responded yet because they don't know what it would
>> be for, and how much work it would involve.
> What compiler doing is: c -> intermediate language -> asm(ex. x86).
> And then, c compiler for efi byte code is: c -> intermediate language ->
> efi byte code.
> For the c -> intermediate language part, I hope to use original  source
> code of gcc,so the main point of the project is implementing
> intermediate language -> efi byte code part
> In my opinion,the project has some how similarity with compiling c
> language to java byte code. And in fact,it has been done by some open
> source project(ex.
> egcs-jvm[http://sourceforge.net/projects/egcs-jvm/]).  I am wondering to
> know that trace some existing c to java byte code project would give
> direction to implement this project or not.

Perhaps.  I don't know if egcs-jvm was ever completed.

>> Is this in any way related to plans for a free BIOS?
> YES, coreboot[http://www.coreboot.org/Welcome_to_coreboot]and
> gnufi[http://www.gnu.org/software/gnufi/]

Ah, good.

>> Who would maintain this EFI back-end?
> The EFI specification was originally developed by Intel, and is now
> managed by the Unified EFI Forum[http://www.uefi.org/home/].

So, you don't know who would maintain the EFI back-end that you're
proposing for gcc?

As others have suggested, there may be severe technical problems
implementing gcc->efi.  There seem to be changes needed to the
front end.  This might work if you could get a group to support
the work, but it may be too much for one person in a summer.

I don't want to dissuade you, but it's important to be realistic.


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