On 9 Mar 2010, at 19:13, Janis Johnson wrote:
To run all of the compiler tests in parallel you can do "make -jn -k
check-gcc" from the top level and let the existing build machinery
take care of running chunks of tests in parallel and putting the
results back together.
that's fine (I couldn't see why not from looking at Makefile.in)
(maybe Rainer is right and I have a memory fault on my 8-core
box .. :-( ) -- just backing up prior to a single user check of
that ...
.. I don't seem to get the bus errors on a 4CPU g5 or a Core 2 duo ..
but .. the 8-core machine is faster .. so ... race conditions are more
likely to manifest there.
You'd still have to handle the library tests you want to run.
I assume that " make -jn -k check-target RUNTESTFLAGS.... " is equally
Perhaps what you want is a way to skip the host library testing,
although if you're building them with your new compiler then testing
them is a good part of testing that compiler.
I do build gmp/mpfr/mpc in-tree...
given that I almost always run the whole testsuite - I'm torn between
thinking it's a good idea..
... and that I'm essentially proving little when the versions of gmp/
mpfr/and mpc are static.
FWIW: I'm trying to update contrib/btest.sh script to handle m32 & m64
plus a few other things ...