On 03/02/2010 10:34 AM, Pjotr Kourzanov wrote:

>> int duff4_fails(char * dst,const char * src,const size_t n)
>> {
>>   const size_t rem=n % 4, a=rem + (!rem)*4;
>>   char * d=dst+=a;
>>   const char * s=src+=a;
>>   /* gcc bug? dst+=n; */
>>     switch (rem) {
>>     case 0:  for(dst+=n;d<dst;d+=4,s+=4) {
>>     /*case 0:*/      d[-4]=s[-4];
>>     case 3:  d[-3]=s[-3];
>>     case 2:  d[-2]=s[-2];
>>     case 1:  d[-1]=s[-1];
>>            }
>>     }
>>      return 0;
>> }
>> The first time around the loop the initializer (d+=n) is jumped around, so
>> d == dst.  At the end of the loop, d+=4, so d > dst.  Therefore the loop
>> exits.
>   And its wrong since it shouldn't jump around the initializer.

Sure it should.  On entry to that loop, rem == 3.


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