Once my platforms are in reasonably good shape, I plan to go over old
bugzilla reports and handle them as appropriate.  Due the the sheer
volume on gcc-bugs, it's impossible for me to even skim over the list.
Since any polling-based scheme to track new bug reports is doomed, I'd
like to get automatic notifications instead.  While whinings seem to be
the way to go, I have not really found which search to use to get
notified about new bugs matching certain search critera (like build =~
solaris || hot =~ solaris || target =~ solaris).  Any suggestions?

Currently, http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs/management.html states:

    The PR has been filed and the responsible person(s) notified.

But how is this notification supposed to happen?


Rainer Orth, Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University

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