2010/1/29 Richard Earnshaw <rearn...@arm.com>:
> On Fri, 2010-01-29 at 12:25 +0000, Dave Korn wrote:
>> On 29/01/2010 12:02, Richard Earnshaw wrote:
>> > We have three categories of users of BZ: RMs, Developers, and the rest.
>> > Developers are *not* the same as the rest and that extends beyond the
>> > ability to modify bug reports.
>>   Ah, I may have overlooked something here; can the creator not adjust the
>> priority of their own bugs if they don't have developer perms?
> I'm not sure exactly what mod rights a non-developer has, but they are
> limited.  I don't think they can close bug reports for example.
> R.

They can't. Most fields are read-only for none-developer users.


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