On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:24 AM, Ian Lance Taylor <i...@google.com> wrote:
> Timothy Madden <terminato...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Is there any progress or start yet in implemententing export for C++ 
>> templates ?
> Not to my knowledge.
> The C++0x standards committee considered deprecating export for C++0x,
> but I think they have decided to retain it for now.
>> Why is everybody such not interested in this ? It would be such a
>> great feature, especially for
>> a leading C++ implementation like gcc ...
> Why would it be useful?  What advantage does it provide?
>> Why is it so hard to store template definitions (and the set of
>> symbols visible to them) in an
>> object file, probably as a representation of the parsed template source tree 
>> ?
> I recommend reading "Why We Can't Afford Export."  This link may work
> for you:
> http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:lmlZ1p7te3gJ:www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2003/n1426.pdf+why+we+can't+afford+export+sutter&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgDdiuh8WxBHeWHGfnK_iJXXYj0XCWOwfnHQuja8Ihd5567rnFyRsF13uY-HN9NbjYJpwMsUo8VQNx5_ffYSiOfOMeIfKMW-d8s57IMr8B8vUN3UfpXLXVtlLd1C8UiUNNe-i7t&sig=AHIEtbQo42iDSyaR0-I4hQ1bHFV3WTeYfA
> or search for the PDF.
> Note in particular that namespace issues are hideously complex with
> export.  Thanks to two-phase name lookup, the meaning of a template
> depends on the environment in which it is defined.  That means that in
> order to correctly instantiate an exported template, the export file
> must contain not only the template definition, but the definition of
> all names mentioned in the template definition, recursively.
> As far as I know, exactly one compiler implements export, and nobody
> uses it.

It's because it is not implemented yet that it is not used ... :)

Even if I would buy Comeau I would not write code that I know will not
compile with any other compiler. Many books though teach how to use a
#define to turn your template code into export-ready templates, even
if export is not widely available. Actually lots of books and articles
talk about export.

I have seen that paper in the link, N1426, and I find it to be biased
against export ...

Everyone will admit to the technical challenges when implementing
export. Template code is not object code. It is something else, it is
another level, another way of doing things... This is why templates in
C++ are so great. For that the compiler has to adapt, there is a new
step required in the compilation process, for template instantiation.
It is like there are now two levels of compilation: for templates and
for object code ... So yes, there would be quite some work for it.

The requirement to store symbol table entries when generating
pre-compiled templates is as true as it can be. Such an idea is known
for quite some time: it is what a precompiled header does: it stores
the symbols table. Or at least there are certain similarities or a
common approach or point of view. Is this such a problem ?

The export keyword is there in the standard with some purpose: it
allows the programmer to separate the template definition from the
declaration. Its benefits are organised and clear code (and template
code) for end-users of the language. It allows anyone to use the
template without knowledge of how it is implemented and where it is
implemented. It is like in object code one can use external functions
and variables without knowledge of where do they come from and how do
they work. You  just have the declarations and you can use them,
templates or not.

Many people will say now that it is not the same, that it can not be
the same because template code is not like object code, it goes by
different rules. Well then I will have to say it loud and clear, that
for the end-user's view of things, yes it is ! For them it is the same
thing, this is what export does! And it is the end users that matter,
it is them the compiler is made for, right ? The differences that
still exist (rightfully so, for technical reasons) are ... not

Someone on that long thread on comp.lang.c++.moderated about 'export'
has put things in a very clear light, 6 years ago, when asked what is
export so good for:

Imagine for a moment that C++ had no one-definition-rule problems, and
that it /required/ you to have the body of each and every function you
use (call or take address) included in every translation unit !
Imagine you would have to always include the function definition of
all functions you call  in a .cc file, and the functions that are
called by them. How would that be ?

Now imagine that this happened because compiler implementers decided
it is a real lot of work to devise something like a linker that would
link function definitions with references at some point after

I know it is actually possible anyway to write programmes even so, I
know that if you insist enough you could write programmes by including
all function definitions everywhere, but I bet you 1 dollar that you
would not like it ... that you would prefer a new step in the
compilation process instead, or some two-levels compilation model.

Using export with templates there is also the issue that with two
phase lookup users are at risk of getting unexpected behaviour from
the templates the use. Although a theoretical problem in all respects,
that should be dealt with somehow, this in practice is not at all as
big a risk as some people want to make it, and there are ways to help
it ...

Two other potential uses people might see or think that they see for
export, code hiding and improved compilation speed, are only
auxiliary, if at all, and much to controversial. I would only say that
with export, a library vendor would actually ship files that end with
.o and .obj, instead of .cc, and even if such files contain the parse
tree of template definitions, they are no longer called "source

And there is another interesting point with export: once the compiler
gets all object files in a program,  on the command line, in order to
instantiate templates from the pre-compiled definitions, many people
might be interested in other things like whole program optimisations
that could be done at that time, even if not related to exported

Thank you,
Timothy Madden

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