On Mon, 2010-01-11 at 19:05 -0800, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:
> >  Some of the support for those
> > classes is in current trunk, but a crucial change to the compiler to
> > allow binary compatibility between those classes and the C builtin
> > types wasn't approved before the 4.5 feature cutoff (see
> > http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-11/msg01321.html).
> Am a bit alarmed to see this patch dropped on the floor. It seem silly
> to me to have C++ DFP support broken like this, when 4.5 is the first
> release that claims support for this feature. It seems to me like we
> should be trying to generate non-obvious bug reports with this new
> feature, instead of the current unsatisfactory situation which prompted
> this original message.
> From what I can tell, this was patch was posted, approved for 4.5 by
> Jason, then delayed while the C++ ABI mailing list reached consensus. I
> see that on 2009-11-24 Mark checked in the ABI change to the official
> document. But then, the patch wasn't pinged, and was forgotten over the
> holidays? 
> What am I missing?

Jason never responded to the modified patch, and I thought it needed his
approval.  I pinged it before the end of stage 3 (or 2, or whatever).

Can you ask Jason if it can still go in?  I'm leaving on Thursday for a
3.5 week vacation when I'll be out of touch, but I could test it again
before I go.


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