Kaveh R. Ghazi wrote:
> From: "Dave Korn" <dave.korn.cyg...@googlemail.com>
>>  But does it, though?  From http://gcc.gnu.org/svnwrite.html:
>>> Free for all
>>> The following changes can be made by everyone with SVN write access:
>>> Fixes for obvious typos in ChangeLog files, docs, web pages, comments
>>> and
>>> similar stuff. Just check in the fix and copy it to gcc-patches. We
>>> don't
>>> want to get overly anal-retentive about checkin policies.
> Incorrect whitespace is a "typo".  I.e. an error in "typed" material.

  Agreed, but what I'm not at all certain is whether it counts as *in*
"ChangeLog files, docs, web pages, comments and similar stuff", specifically
when it's at the end of a line of functional C code in a source file.


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