The release of GNU MPFR 2.4.2 ("andouillette sauce moutarde"
patch level 2) is imminent. Please help to make this release
as good as possible by downloading and testing this second
release candidate:

The MD5's:
2e4d618a9f2e8cb6f64218209e5d27da  mpfr-2.4.2-rc3.tar.bz2
fba091535cd5a467a9cefe7ab0b2781b  mpfr-2.4.2-rc3.tar.gz
dcc9a27a79bf61b47c6a908617f0769c  mpfr-2.4.2-rc3.tar.xz

The signatures:

The main problem found in the RC2 (also present in previous versions):
- gcc is installed,
- gmp.h contains __GMP_CC / __GMP_CFLAGS information,
- GMP has been compiled with a compiler somewhat incompatible with gcc
  (this can be the default on some machines),
then the build of MPFR can fail. The reason is that the configure script
detected gcc before the compiler from __GMP_CC was chosen and did some
settings related to gcc (due to some autoconf macro), such as selecting
gcc-specific options.

Main change from the RC2 to the RC3:
- Fixed the way $CC / $CFLAGS are got from gmp.h (__GMP_CC / __GMP_CFLAGS).

Changes from version 2.4.1 to version 2.4.2:
- Security fix in formatted output functions (buffer overflow).
- Formatted output functions: 6 is now the default value for
  empty precision field with %Rf.
- Better portability of configure script.
- Detection of intmax_t and uintmax_t types.
- Improved documentation: mpfr_get_z_exp, mpfr_strtofr, mpfr_get_str and
  formatted output functions.
- Improved message in case of assertion failure.
- Test coverage: 97.0% lines of code.
- Updated tcmp_ld test to really test the long double.
- Some documentation files are installed in $docdir.
- Removed mpfr_init_cache (unused and undocumented function).
- Fixed the way $CC / $CFLAGS are got from gmp.h (__GMP_CC / __GMP_CFLAGS).
- Bug fixes.
- Also note that GCC 4.4.0 (only this obsolete version) does not build
  MPFR 2.4.2 correctly; this is detected by "make check" (failures in
  tget_z and tpow_all).

Please send success and failure reports with "./config.guess" output
to <>.

If no problems are found, GNU MPFR 2.4.2 should be released
around 2009-11-30.


Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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