On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Thomas Gleixner wrote:
> standard function start:
>        push   %ebp
>        mov    %esp, %ebp
>        ....
>        call   mcount
> modified function start on a handful of functions only seen with gcc
> 4.4.x on x86 32 bit:
>       push   %edi
>       lea    0x8(%esp),%edi
>       and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
>       pushl  -0x4(%edi)
>       push   %ebp
>       mov    %esp,%ebp
>       ...
>       call   mcount

That's some crazy sh*t anyway, since we don't _want_ the stack to be 
16-byte aligned in the kernel. We do

        KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(call cc-option,-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2)

why is that not working?

So this looks like a gcc bug, plain and simple.

> This modification leads to a hard to solve problem in the kernel
> function graph tracer which assumes that the stack looks like:
>        return address
>        saved  ebp

Umm. But it still does, doesn't it? That

        pushl  -0x4(%edi)
        push   %ebp

should do it - the "-0x4(%edi)" thing seems to be trying to reload the 
return address. No? 

Maybe I misread the code - but regardless, it does look like a gcc code 
generation bug if only because we really don't want a 16-byte aligned 
stack anyway, and have asked for it to not be done.

So I agree that gcc shouldn't do that crazy prologue (and certainly _not_ 
before calling mcount anyway), but I'm not sure I agree with that detail 
of your analysis or explanation.


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