Hello All

It seems that gcc/ and friends support that the gcc/REVISION 
contains some revision numbering.

Why does gcc/REVISION in the trunk svn does not contains something like


or perhaps having the gcc/ containing something like around line 805

REVISION := $(shell svn info $(srcdir) |  $(AWK) '/Revision/{print $$2}')

or some more robust trick?

I mean, there is very probably a way to retrieve automagically the svn revision 
number of the trunk.
If it is not used, I would believe there are profound reasons for that. Which 

(or perhaps I am wrong in regularily updating my trunk's copy with svn update 

Update using ./contrib/gcc_update and REVISION should be updated.
Mine shows this:

$ cat gcc/REVISION
[trunk revision 154029]


Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development        On-Line Applications Research
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