Andrew Haley wrote:
Within reason that's OK, or you can use pastebin.
Done. Patch attached. All you need to do to build is the following:
svn co svn://
cd openbios-devel
patch -p0 < openbios-fibonacci.patch
Then to build on x86:
rm -rf obj-x86/; ./config/scripts/switch-arch x86; make
To run the benchmark:
time echo "28 fib-rec u. bye" | ./obj-x86/openbios-unix
Uncomment the function pointer at the top of kernel/internal.c then
rebuild and rerun the benchmark. I see the time change from 37s to 52s
on my laptop here.
Interestingly enough, I just did an "svn up" which pulled in some more
changes before submitting the patch, and now I see that the position is
reversed!? So without the function pointer things run slow, but with it
things run fast again. I think you may be thinking along the right lines
in that it's related to alignment of something changing.
It is possible to run this test on a Linux system, isn't it?
Yes - I use x86_64 Linux as my main work environment.
Many thanks,
Mark Cave-Ayland - Senior Technical Architect
PostgreSQL - PostGIS
Sirius Corporation plc - control through freedom
t: +44 870 608 0063
Sirius Labs:
Index: kernel/internal.c
--- kernel/internal.c (revision 607)
+++ kernel/internal.c (working copy)
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
* - address pointed by CFA is executed by CPU
+//void (*debughook) (void);
typedef void forth_word(void);
static forth_word * const words[];
Index: forth/bootstrap/bootstrap.fs
--- forth/bootstrap/bootstrap.fs (revision 607)
+++ forth/bootstrap/bootstrap.fs (working copy)
@@ -1520,4 +1520,8 @@
200 alloc-mem tmp-comp-buf !
+: fib-rec \ (n -- f)
+ dup 2 u< if exit then
+ 1- dup recurse swap 1- recurse + ;
\ the end
--- (revision 607)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
CFLAGS+= -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith
CFLAGS+= -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Wendif-labels
CFLAGS+= -Wstrict-aliasing -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-prototypes
-CFLAGS+= -Werror
+#CFLAGS+= -Werror
INCLUDES := -I$(SRCDIR)/include -I$(SRCDIR)/kernel/include -I$(ODIR)/target/include