I can see that ansidecl.h is a tempting place to put this, but I don't
think it is correct.  ansidecl.h is used by many different programs,
including the GNU binutils and gdb.  Changes that are specific to gcc
should be in gcc, probably in gcc/system.h.  Changes specific to
libiberty should be in libiberty, probably in include/libiberty.h.
Another "where" question.  The i370 port can't cope with 64-bit
integers.  The below bit keeps on defining it.  So I created a
WANT64 which obviously is never going to be set.

I've just updated config/i370/mvspdp.h to define
because the i370 also doesn't have this builtin.  I was wondering
if I could define another variable, USE_ONLY32, to achieve the
same thing for the 64-bit integers.

PUREISO (I'll change it to C90 later when everything is working)
is not always going to be true for the pdp port.  By default, someone
extracting the modified 3.4.6 code will in fact get a non-C90 build
and it will have the traditional separate gcc, cc1 etc modules.  So
I can't use that.

So - is USE_ONLY32 the way to go or is there another method?

Thanks.  Paul.

C:\devel\gccnew\gcc>cvs diff -c hwint.h
Index: hwint.h
RCS file: c:\cvsroot/gccnew/gcc/hwint.h,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 hwint.h
*** hwint.h     24 Apr 2009 14:27:58 -0000      1.2
--- hwint.h     10 Nov 2009 13:38:16 -0000
*** 22,28 ****
    but they're all cross-compile-only.)  Just in case, force a
    constraint violation if that assumption is incorrect.  */
 #if !defined HAVE_LONG_LONG
! # if GCC_VERSION >= 3000 && !PUREISO
 #  define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1
 #  define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8
 extern char sizeof_long_long_must_be_8[sizeof(long long) == 8 ? 1 : -1];
--- 22,28 ----
    but they're all cross-compile-only.)  Just in case, force a
    constraint violation if that assumption is incorrect.  */
 #if !defined HAVE_LONG_LONG
! # if GCC_VERSION >= 3000 && !PUREISO && defined(WANT64)
 #  define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1
 #  define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8
 extern char sizeof_long_long_must_be_8[sizeof(long long) == 8 ? 1 : -1];

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