> After checking in the patch to provide unique pass names for all passes,
> I created
> svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/ici-20091108-branch
> and merged in the patches from:
> http://gcc-ici.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gcc-ici/branches/patch-gcc-4.4.0-ici-2.0

By the way, not to forget - we should compile/test GCC with ICI with the 
following libraries
(orthogonal to ICI but we need them for our experiments):

* gmp & mpfr (for fortran)
* ppl & cloog (for GRAPHITE)

i.e. I configure GCC with the following flags:
configure --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran --with-mpfr=$BUILD_DIR 
--with-gmp=$BUILD_DIR --with-ppl=$BUILD_DIR --with-cloog=$BUILD_DIR

I used it for the GCC 4.4.0 - maybe some GRAPHITE related flags changed ...
The idea is to have the same setup that we used for our local developments ...

Also, we have been using ICI with C and Fortran a lot, but never checked C++ -
it will be important to check it too ...


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