Hi Joern,

I think, that's very reasonable.

Just as we agreed, wait a few days until you are covered by the INRIA agreement
to transfer copyright to FSF ... I should be able to tell you more within a few
days ...

Also, I added Yuanjie, Liang (they did GSOC developments) and Yuri in CC since
they will help with testing and extending the ICI and GSOC developments...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joern Rennecke [mailto:amyl...@spamcop.net]
> Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 1:50 PM
> To: Grigori Fursin
> Cc: 'Zbigniew Chamski'; 'Richard Guenther'; 'Basile STARYNKEVITCH'; 'Ian 
> Lance Taylor'; 'GCC
> Mailing List'; 'Albert Cohen'; ctuning-discussi...@googlegroups.com; Yuri 
> Kashnikoff
> Subject: RE: plugin hooks
> Quoting Grigori Fursin <grigori.fur...@inria.fr>:
> > Also, I hope that we will start collaborating with Joern Rennecke in
> >  a few weeks to update the ICI
> > and GSOC'09
> >
> > developments based on the recent feedback to see if we can move it
> > to the mainline ...
> We still need a branch name for that.  Since GCC is currently in phase 3,
> I suppose we should plan on re-baselining at least once - re-baselining
> from 4.6 experimental mainline after 4.5 is branched - so instead of
> a gcc version number a branch date seems more suitable.
> I.e. if the branch were to be created today, I propose to use the name
> branches/ici-20091102-branch for the branch.

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