The regexp should not use .* in the first place, because "." also
matches the newline, and you need to use the non-capturing variant of
the grouping operator.

$ tclsh
% set fd [open "~/src/gcc/gcc/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/debug/dwarf2/inline2.s" r]
% set text [read $fd]
% regexp -inline -all -- "byte.*?0x3.*? DW_AT_inline" $text
{byte   0x3     # Start new file
        .uleb128 0x0    # Included from line number 0
        .uleb128 0x1    # file inline2.c
        .byte   0x1     # Define macro
        .uleb128 0x0    # At line number 0
        .ascii "__STDC__ 1\0"   # The macro
        .byte   0x1     # Define macro
        .uleb128 0x0    # At line number 0
        .ascii "__STDC_HOSTED__ 1\0"    # The macro
        .byte   0x1     # Define macro
        .uleb128 0x0    # At line number 0
        .ascii "__GNUC__ 4\0"   # The macro
        .byte   0x1     # Define macro
        .uleb128 0x0    # At line number 0
% regexp -inline -all -- "byte\[^\n\]*0x3\[^\n\]* DW_AT_inline" $text
{byte   0x3     # DW_AT_inline} {byte   0x3     # DW_AT_inline} {byte   0x3     
# DW_AT_inline}
% regexp -inline -all -- "(byte|data1)\[^\n\]*0x3\[^\n\]* DW_AT_inline" $text
{byte   0x3     # DW_AT_inline} byte {byte      0x3     # DW_AT_inline} byte 
{byte      0x3     # DW_AT_inline} byte
% regexp -inline -all -- "(?:byte|data1)\[^\n\]*0x3\[^\n\]* DW_AT_inline" $text
{byte   0x3     # DW_AT_inline} {byte   0x3     # DW_AT_inline} {byte   0x3     
# DW_AT_inline}


Andreas Schwab,
GPG Key fingerprint = D4E8 DBE3 3813 BB5D FA84  5EC7 45C6 250E 6F00 984E
"And now for something completely different."

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