On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 17:12:17 -0400
Diego Novillo <dnovi...@google.com> wrote:

> Instructions on how to enable LTO support are described in the
> manual.  The following is a summary:
> - Install libelf 0.8.12+ (http://www.mr511.de/software/libelf-0.8.12.tar.gz)
>   Other versions of libelf are commonly installed in Linux
>   distros.  Unfortunately, libelf implementations vary in
>   annoying ways and they are not all compatible.  The libelf
>   version in Fedora 11 works fine, however.

I just did a build and found that LTO was enabled due to elfutils-0.143 being
installed.  Do you know if elfutils is a suitable replacement for libelf or
if it will cause issues down the line?

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