Hello, A prerelease tarball of the upcoming MPC 0.7 is available here: http://www.multiprecision.org/mpc/download/mpc-0.7-dev.tar.gz
Please help test it for portability and bugs by downloading and compiling it on systems you have access to. I'd like a report to contain your target triplet and the versions of your compiler, GMP and MPFR used when building MPC. Also please include your results from "make check". You can report your results here in this thread or on the MPC mailing list: http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/mailman/listinfo/mpc-discuss Note I encourage reports of all platforms on which GCC bootstraps, but I'm especially interested in the GCC primary and secondary list from our release criteria listed here: http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.5/criteria.html As previously discussed, MPC will become a mandatory library for building GCC prior to the 4.5 release, so your help in ensuring a smooth transition is greatly appreciated. Thanks, --Kaveh -- Kaveh R. Ghazi