Thanx Ian,

My question is as follwos

We've a problem here. we were trying to use cc1 with & without -O option to
verify the optimizations happening in our sample code. 
the sample code is given below
file name : 1.c
 int main() 
{ int a=5; 
int b; 
printf("the number is :%d",b); }
Here, in 1.c.026t.copyrename1, we get the following output

 ;; Function main (main) 
main ()
 { int b; int a; : a_2 = b_1(D); return; }
 but in 1.c.027t.ccp1, the output does not contain the actual assignment
;; Function main (main)
 main () 
{ int b; int a; : return; }
 We want to know, without b=a, how is it generating the following final code
for b=a 
pushl   %ebp
>         movl    %esp, %ebp
>         andl    $-16, %esp
>         subl    $16, %esp
>         movl    $5, 4(%esp)
>         movl    $.LC0, (%esp)
>         call    printf
Kindly help 

> thanks, But b=a is a assignment statement. It is doing some memory
> operations
> isn't it. Assuming b=a is a dead statement, how r the following i386
> assembly statements generated
>  pushl   %ebp
>         movl    %esp, %ebp
>         andl    $-16, %esp
>         subl    $16, %esp
>         movl    $5, 4(%esp)
>         movl    $.LC0, (%esp)
>         call    printf

The first four statements set up the stack.  The last three do the
printf statement.

What is your real question?


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