Hello Benjamin,

sorry for the delay, I've been traveling.

* Benjamin Kosnik wrote on Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 09:17:46PM CEST:
> Hey Ralf! Saw your message about updating gcc/src to current auto
> tools, in favor. But, it looks like the autoconf 2.64 release is not
> out, last I see is 2.63b at the end of March. This and
> confirmation of --with-build-sysroot working seem to be the only open
> issues standing in the way of the conversion of the GCC source
> repository.

Yes, that is still the case.

> What's the eta for the 2.64 autoconf release? How is this to be timed
> with the end of GCC Stage 1? If autoconf 2.64 is not out by the end of
> July, does it make sense to use autoconf 2.63 instead?

Yes, definitely.  Let's ask Eric if there is any chance for 2.64 RSN.
Otherwise, I'll start going through the workarounds needed in GCC for


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