I've found the MMIX port to be a good place to start.  It's a bit old
but the archtecture is nice and simple and the implementation nice and
brief.  Watch out though as it is a pure 64 bit machine - you'll need
to think SI every time you see DI.

The trick past there is to compare the significant features of your
machine with existing machines.  For example, GCC prefers a 68000
style machine with a set of condition codes, however many machines
only have one condition flag that changes meaning based on what you
are doing.

-- Michael

2009/6/6 Graham Reitz <grahamre...@gmail.com>:
> Is there a machine description template in the gcc file source tree?
> If there is also template for the 'C header file of macro definitions' that
> would be good to know too.
> I did a file search for '.md' and there are tons of examples.  Although, I
> was curious if there was a generic template.
> graham

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