Wow, what a lot of responses. Last time I tried making
contact, I didn't get a single response!
In addition, that code has been ported to GCC 3.4.6, which is now
working as a cross-compiler at least. It's still some months away
from working natively though. It takes a lot of effort to convert
the Posix-expecting GCC compiler into C90 compliance. This has
been done though, in a way that has minimal code changes to the
GCC mainline.
You're referring to building GCC for a non-Posix *host*, right?
I assume those changes are not (primarily) in the back-end, but
throughout GCC common code?
Yes. Or rather, they would be, if it weren't for sleight-of-hand to
minimize that. I dummied up all the Posix calls to point back to
C90 functions.
Please take a look at the actual changes to GCC. There's not
a lot:
Here's the exact file:
Most of the size is generated code from the md, or other new files,
and not changes to GCC proper.
However, in fact, GCC is turned on its head. It's a single executable.
C90 doesn't guarantee, and the host doesn't support, the ability to do
a fork() and exec().
Yes, I'm aware that there is an S/390 port, but it isn't EBCDIC, isn't
HLASM, isn't 370, isn't C90, isn't MVS. It may well be possible to
change all those things, and I suspect that in a few years from now
I may be sending another message asking what I need to do to get
all my changes to the s390 target into the s390 target. At that time,
I suspect there will be a lot of objection to "polluting" the s390 target
with all those "unnecessary" things.
Actually, I would really like to see the s390 target optionally support
the MVS ABI and HLASM assembler format, so I wouldn't have any objection
to patches that add these features ...
I understand current GCC supports various source and target character
sets a lot better out of the box, so it may be EBCDIC isn't even an
issue any more.
It looks that way from what I've seen of 3.4.6 so far. However, I
won't know for sure until it's on the host and self-generating.
If there are other problems related to MVS host
support, I suppose those would need to be fixed in common code anyway,
no matter whether the s390 or i370 back-ends are used.
Well, I would like to see that - I don't know why there are all
those calls to open() instead of fopen() etc in the first place,
but I don't see that happening.
The only point in your list I'm sceptical about is 370 architecture
support -- I don't quite see why this is still useful today (the s390
port does require at a minimum a S/390 G2 with the branch relative
instructions ... but those have been around for nearly 15 years).
The last free MVS was MVS 3.8j which runs on the S/370 architecture.
If you want to write MVS software, for free, your only option is to
pick that up. It doesn't run on S/390 hardware.
However. :-)
That's where MVS/380 comes in.
So yes, we can sort of cope with S/390 instructions. It's just not as
widely supported as the proper S/370 (emulated) machine. Or rather,
I think we can. It's into unchartered territory what restrictions
S/380 actually has in its current form. It's known that it's enough to
run 31-bit GCC using 20 MB of memory though. Which again, is a
damn good start.
BFN. Paul.