
The 4.4 branch is open under the usual release branch rules, a 4.4.1
release planned around June 21st.  The branch seems to be in good
shape and new bugs still get fixed quickly.  There are a few bugs
that I would block the 4.4.1 release for, including the reported
ICE building SPEC on i?86.  All seem to have patches though.

The 4.4.1 release is a good opportunity for all the non-primary
and secondary target maintainers to verify the 4.4 release builds ok
and the testsuite results are reasonable.

Quality Data

Priority          #     Change from Last Report
--------        ---     -----------------------
P1                2
P2               82     +  2
P3                0
--------        ---     -----------------------
Total            84     +  2

Previous Report

The next report for 4.4 will be sent by Jakub.

Richard Guenther <>
Novell / SUSE Labs
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH - Nuernberg - AG Nuernberg - HRB 16746 - GF: Markus Rex

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