Dave Korn wrote:
> Andrew Haley wrote:
>> Did you try my list of things to lift out?  I don't think there will be any
>> interdependencies; the only problem might be that the reduction is not 
>> enough.
>     Hi Andrew,
>   I've had a quick hack at it now, and it's not doing what I'd hoped, so
> possibly I've misunderstood what you intended, or am not grokking the
> structure of java packages correctly.
>   So, did I do the partitioning wrong here?  Or have I misunderstood what you
> were referring to as "interdependencies"?

Oh, I'm _so_ sorry, you're absolutely right.  I misread (or, perhaps, miswrote)
the makemake.tcl file.  It turns out that even those files that are compiled BC
are compiled with -fno-indirect-classes, so that they can be (and indeed are)
called from code compiled with the C++ ABI.

How embarrassing.  :-(


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