On Wed, 6 May 2009, Andrew Haley wrote:

> Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:
> > 2009/5/6 Paolo Bonzini <bonz...@gnu.org>:
> >> It looks like a bunch of missing from
> >> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2004-02/ are missing.  Anybody knows
> >> what could be the cause?
> > 
> > Relevant PRs 20336, 20588, 3119.
> I'm pretty sure I have a complete set of the messages.

The conclusion in the overseers discussion referenced in 20588 was that 
the files are present in the txt/ forms and what's needed is for someone 
with the right access to create/modify and run the right script to 
regenerate them.

Joseph S. Myers

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