Oh, OK. Apparently there is no way to query directly the repository
version on a server, so I misused some dry-run merge command to find

Anyway, I have tried svn trunk -> branch merge and it works, provided
that at least 1.5.5 client is used. I haven't tested branch -> trunk
(I wish I could :) with svn merge --reintegrate nor can I test
svnmerge.py -> svn 1.5.0 merge upgrade.

So, unless somebody objects (a lot of things are untested, after all),
I will update http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SvnBranch to document how to use
svn 1.5.5 to maintain branches.


2009/4/26 Daniel Berlin <dber...@dberlin.org>:
> Errr, the format is not pre-1.5.0
> It was svnadmin upgraded a while ago.
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 5:06 AM, Laurynas Biveinis
> <laurynas.bivei...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Apparently the server is already running svn 1.5.5 but the repository
>> format is pre-1.5.0. If the repository format was upgraded, we could
>> start using proper svn merge support for branch maintenance and get
>> rid of manual merges and svnmerge.py. There is even an upgrade path
>> from the svnmerge.py to svn 1.5.0 merge support for existing branches.
>> And the upgrade would not disturb those who are using pre-1.5.0 svn
>> clients.
>> Any thoughts?
>> --
>> Laurynas

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